I was crying happy tears

Joscelyn Roberson stated that she had tears of joy when Team USA women clinched the gold medal at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships on Wednesday, October 4.

On a personal note, the event in Antwerp, Belgium, did not go as planned for Joscelyn. She sustained an ankle injury in warm-ups, making it difficult for her to place any weight on it. In the end, she decided to pull out of the event.

Leanne Wong, who planned to compete only on the balance beam, substituted for Joscelyn on both the vault and floor and delivered in style. Despite competing with only four gymnasts instead of five, Team USA managed to win the gold medal. Brazil won the silver medal and France claimed the bronze.

After taking home the gold medal, Joscelyn said that she shed tears of joy at their achievement.

"I was crying so many happy tears for all of us!" she said. (via Inside Gymnastics)

Later, the 17-year-old said that she pulled out of the event as a precaution and stated that she was feeling well thanks to the support of everyone, especially, Simone Biles, around her.

"It’s feeling good, it’s just for safety that it’s wrapped up right now but it feels pretty good. To be the world champion helps a lot, also having this team around me. Especially having Simone around and being able to talk to her, she understands how I feel," she expressed. (via www.antwerpgymnastics2023.com)

Simone Biles on Team USA winning gold medal at Gymnastics World Championships: “It’s crazy, we still pulled it out”

Simone Biles at the 2023 Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium.

Team USA's triumph in Belgium meant that Simone Biles received her 26th world medal. Combined with her seven Olympic medals, she now has 33 major championship medals in her career.

After the event, Biles said that she was delighted to see Team USA winning the gold medal despite not being at their best.

“It wasn’t Team USA’s best day. It’s crazy, we still pulled it out. So I’m really, really proud of the team,” Biles said (via AP).“We had some mistakes here and there, but just keep going, keep relying on our training. But I think this team that we have brought this year has the most great courage and fight. ... We had so many emotions going throughout the day,” she added.

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