What happened to Carl Judie? Dhar Mann responds to mural controversy amidst protests

Carl Judie, an actor who used to work at Dhar Mann Studios, passed away back in 2021. While the production house did paint a mural of him to honor his memory, the fact that it was later removed has only now been brought to light, amidst protests by actors working there.

Carl had a recurring role in Dhar’s arrays of motivational videos. He appeared in more than 50 miniseries under Dhar Mann's production. In early February of 2021, there was some speculation that Carl had been to a medical check-up.

Later, his family confirmed that the actor was suffering from Covid-19 and his condition was not improving. He was reportedly put in a coma by doctors, who later informed his family that he could not make it.

On February 16, 2021, the actor’s daughter, Brianna Walker, shared the news of her father’s passing on Instagram. She did not mention the details, but implied that it was due to complications related to Covid-19.

Dhar Mann Studios addressed the mural controversy as well as the actors' protests on Instagram

Several actors working at Dhar’s studio recently began protesting against being underpaid. They also took to Twitter to open up about the working conditions and the unhealthy culture at the studio, saying that anyone who spoke up against Dhar got fired.

Videos of the actors protesting and demanding an in-person meeting with their boss have gone viral on TikTok, making many viewers question Dhar’s authenticity. In light of this, the actors brought up Carl Judie’s mural which the production took down a few days later. They alleged that it was probably done only for clout.

On February 9, Dhar addressed the issue via an Instagram story, where he shared a post from Dhar Mann Studios and asked viewers to see the recent posts and stories uploaded to that page.

On Dhar Mann's Instagram page, a post claimed that there was a lot of misinformation going around, so the studio decided to come up with some clarifications.

Addressing the claim that the production house voluntarily removed Carl Judie’s mural just a day after it went up, the studio clarified that they were required by their property management to do so, adding that they requested to keep it up but were denied permission. Dhar’s team lastly added:

"We are very sad it’s gone and plan to recreate it once we have our future campus.”

Mair Mulroney, Colin Barden, Nick Saranado, and other actors protest against the minimal payscale at Dhar Mann Studios

Many actors working in Dhar's production, including Colin A. Barden, Mair Mulroney, Dylan Harris, Nick Saranado, and Vinn Sander, among others, have taken part in the collective protest against Dhar. All of them raised issues with their payment.

Colin briefed the issue in a TikTok video where he said that they were not employees of the studio, but contract players. They get called whenever they are needed by the production to work on a video. These videos rack up millions of views and ad revenues.

Colin also explained how the studio has expanded over his tenure there. They used to shoot everything in an apartment and would sometimes go down to the garage of the building. But at present, the production has three sound stages in Burbank.

However, Barden alleged that things have not improved for the actors, saying that the pay at Dhar's team is not sustainable. He added:

"One of the main issues is that not a single actor that works at Dhar Mann Studios can afford rent."

Dylan Harris also made a separate TikTok video to share that he was initially scared to speak up against the payscale because he did not want to lose his job.

Mair Mulroney, who mostly appears in Dhar Mann's videos as a negative character, said that it doesn't suit Dhar to put up the facade of a moral guru when he mistreats the people who helped make him famous.

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